Your Daily Life Tips (Week One)


Daily Life Tip #1

Create a Todo List for the Next Day the Night Before ​

Most people create their ToDo lists in the morning for the day ahead. Try creating one the night before.

  • You’ll sleep better knowing tomorrow is organized, planned, and written down.
  • You won’t forget to do anything important the next day.
  • You can use the list to prioritize your day right when you start.

Daily Life Tip #2

Develop a Daily Routine That Promotes Wellness​

Plan your day every morning to make sure you practice self-care.

  • You are what your habits are.
  • So, create the right habits and routines.
  • This means making time for regular exercise, healthy meals, and relaxation.
  • Life hack: Try a mobile app to set goals, form habits, and receive daily nudges.

Daily Life Tip #3

Volunteer and Help Others

Take the time to identify causes or charities that resonate with you.

  • Helping others will help you feel better about yourself. It’s that simple.
  • Life hack: Seek out a friend or someone to volunteer with together.
  • Keep each other accountable.

Daily Life Tip #4

Seek Professional Help for Mental Health Concerns

Emotions and mental health are complicated. Seek help. Remember difficult feelings are part of being human, and that’s okay.

  • Reach out to a licensed therapist or counselor for guidance and support.
  • Or you can simply rely on a friend. What’s important is you don’t go at it alone.
  • Let a professional into your life. They’ll give you top advice for you to feel happier.

Daily Life Tip #5

Practice Gratitude Daily

Spend a few minutes every morning to think about three things you are grateful for. You can even write these down in a journal.

  • How lucky are you to be born and alive! It’s a miracle really.
  • Life can be hard sometimes, but we need to be grateful for what we do have. 
  • Life hack: Write three things that you’re grateful for in a journal every morning.
  • Share what you’re grateful for with self-talk. It works. You’ll feel happier.

Daily Life Tip #6

Maintain a Positive Attitude

Set aside 10 minutes every day to challenge any negative thoughts you had in your day. Write these thought challenges down in a journal.

  • A happy life starts with a positive attitude and gratitude.
  • Most life situations have a solution, so be hopeful. You’ll find a solution.
  • Surround yourself with positive people; you are who your friends are.
  • Ask a close one to help you challenge your negative thoughts. 
  • With time, you will start to think more positively.

Daily Life Tip #7

Set Annual Goals and Track Your Progress

Take some time today to write down your long-term and short-term goals covering each area of your life. 

  • Set short- and long-term goals to improve your health, work, and finances.
  • Be sure to have goals for leisure, purpose, growth, and relationships.
  • You’ll also want to track weekly and monthly goals, as well as your end-of-year goals.

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