Your Daily Life Tips (Week Fifteen)

liifeTips Week 15

Daily Life Tip #100

Don’t Eat Lunch at Your Desk

Eating while distracted often leads to overeating, as studies suggest you don’t feel as full when munching away at your desk amidst work distractions. 

Stepping away for lunch helps stave off burnout and stress, giving your brain the breather it craves to ramp up productivity. Research shows that nearly half of workers feel less burnt out when they take a lunch break. 

Boosting workplace productivity is another bonus, with a whopping 78% of workers attesting that lunch breaks enhance their job performance. 

Plus lunchtime isn’t just about refueling; it’s also a prime opportunity to bond with colleagues, fostering essential social connections for overall well-being.

Taking a break during lunch also promotes mindful eating, allowing you to savor the textures and flavors of your meal while calming your mind.


  • We’ve already delved into the perks of this life hack above. But hey, if you’ve stumbled upon any hidden gems we might have missed, we’d love to hear from you! Share your insights with us at and let’s keep the conversation going.

Life Hack:

  • We get it – sometimes it’s just not feasible to take a long lunch break, and that’s okay in the short term. During those hustle-and-bustle moments, even carving out a mere 15-20 minutes for lunch can work wonders

Daily Life Tip #101

Write a Daily Self-Care Checklist and Have it By Your Side

Have you delved into Atul Gawande’s “Checklist Manifesto”? If not, it’s a captivating read worth diving into.

Gawande makes a compelling case for the power of writing down tasks. It’s like giving yourself a roadmap to success. But here’s an intriguing twist: why not transform your to-do list into a self-care checklist?

Finding time for self-care can feel like trying to squeeze water from a stone. It leaves us fretting over what we haven’t accomplished. However, a study by professors Baumeister and Masicampo from Wake Forest University reveals that simply planning to tackle these activities can alleviate this anxiety.

Having a daily self-care checklist not only ensures you prioritize your mental and physical well-being but also serves as a gentle reminder to put yourself first. Keep it visible for easy reference.


  • Self-care to-do lists provide a sense of order amidst life’s chaos, reducing anxiety and ensuring your day is structured with your well-being in mind.
  • Plus checking off tasks releases dopamine, triggering feelings of happiness, pleasure, and motivation.

Life Hack:

  • Spend 30 minutes at the end of each day ensuring you’ve checked off everything on your self-care checklist. Use this time to tackle any remaining tasks as well.

Daily Life Tip #102

Tackle One Habit at a Time

Building healthy life habits is no overnight feat – it takes time, patience, and dedication. Research suggests it takes an average of 66 days, that’s over two months, to solidify a new habit.

Understanding this timeline is crucial to prevent feelings of discouragement when your desired habits seem to slip through the cracks. Knowing that habits take time to form can empower you to persevere toward success. Here’s how:

  • Focus on one habit at a time. Don’t overwhelm yourself. Choose the life habit you want to prioritize and commit to making it a habit over the next three months before moving on to the next.
  • Keep a calendar handy and mark each day you successfully perform the habit, aiming for consistency. Challenge yourself to maintain this habit for 66 consecutive days.
  • Reward yourself for each successful week streak to keep your motivation levels high.


  • This method provides a practical and actionable approach to habit formation, helping you stay on track and witness the results you desire.

Life Hack:

  • Set alarms using your phone calendar to remind yourself to engage in the habitual activity you’re working on.

Daily Life Tip #103

Invest in Yourself

Investing in education and training is your ticket to success!

Did you know that, on average, bachelor’s degree holders earn about $1.2 million more over their lifetime than high school graduates?

Sure, there are always exceptions, but the takeaway here is clear: education and training are vital investments for you and your family, especially in navigating today’s cost-of-living crisis. Remember, the more you learn, the more you earn.

If university isn’t your thing, consider professional qualifications to advance in your chosen career. Seek out free courses, webinars, online talks, and short courses – every bit of knowledge adds up and propels you toward financial independence.


  • Investing in education and training opens doors to higher earning potential, empowering you to navigate financial challenges more effectively. 
  • Plus, acquiring new skills and qualifications enhances job security and opportunities for career advancement, providing stability in uncertain economic times.

Life Hack: 

  • If finances are tight and traditional studying isn’t feasible, consider exploring internships, apprenticeships, and funding options. The key is to remain persistent, consistently seeking out learning opportunities as they arise.

Daily Life Tip #104

Practice Saving and Not Spending

With soaring inflation rates and a challenging cost-of-living crisis, it’s no wonder many are feeling the financial squeeze. But here’s the thing: your financial situation is dynamic, and change is always possible.

If you find yourself fretting over finances, take a deep breath, formulate a plan, and remember that you’re in control and capable of finding solutions.

One valuable strategy is to prioritize saving over spending. Even starting with a modest $50 a month can make a difference. 

Set up automatic transfers into an interest-bearing savings account, and watch as your nest egg grows over time. Soon, you’ll have a safety net to handle unexpected expenses or pursue important investments, like purchasing your first home or furthering your education.


  • Prioritizing saving over spending during times of financial uncertainty provides a sense of security and peace of mind, knowing you have a financial cushion to fall back on in case of emergencies.
  • Plus, cultivating a habit of regular saving instills discipline and financial savvy, paving the way for lasting stability and the fulfillment of your future financial aspirations.

Life Hack:

  • Adopt a minimalist mindset before making purchases. Embrace the idea that minimalist living can enhance mental well-being by focusing on what truly matters. Before buying, remind yourself that happiness doesn’t come from owning a lot, but from investing in what truly brings joy and fulfillment.

Daily Life Tip #105

Plan Your Week in Advance

Discover the key to a stress-free and fulfilling week! Research reveals that those who regularly engage in planning activities enjoy lower stress levels and anxiety.

This tip isn’t just about penciling in work tasks; it’s about crafting a blueprint for your entire week. That means scheduling quality time with loved ones, fitting in workouts, nourishing yourself with healthy meals, and diving into those passion projects you’ve been longing to pursue.

Why bother? Because it’s about creating balance in your life.


  • Setting aside time to plan and prioritize tasks will ensure you use your time effectively and efficiently. This will help you avoid procrastination and will reduce stress.
  • Kick procrastination to the curb and watch your productivity soar! Whether it’s conquering tasks at work or making strides in your personal life, sticking to your plan guarantees you allocate time to what truly matters. With unwavering consistency, you’ll sculpt the life you desire.

Life Hack:

  • Kickstart your week on a high note by dedicating some time to plan your week every Sunday. Reach out to loved ones, pencil in those much-needed visits, and don’t forget to factor in those looming work deadlines. It’s your recipe for a week that’s both fulfilling and productive!

Daily Life Tip #106

Always Write Down Your Ideas

GoodLiife Tips by Bill Zujewski – GoodLiife’s CEO

I keep an IDEAS journal in Apple Notes. Anytime I think of something that would help my business or personal life, I jot it down on my phone, iPad, or computer.

It could be a marketing or sales idea, a product feature idea, something to watch, something to read, something to buy, or someone to call or text. I check that list every week or so to see what might be actionable now.


  • Writing helps me articulate my thoughts and feelings with precision. I find myself orchestrating my ideas with greater finesse, which helps me find solutions to lingering problems in the process. 
  • Throughout the day, bursts of creativity strike me at unexpected moments. Without jotting them down, they’d vanish. This LifieTip ensures that none of my ideas are forgotten.

Life Hack:

  • Craft an IDEAS notepad right on your phone! Since your phone is practically an extension of your hand, you’ll always have it within reach. So, when inspiration strikes, you can effortlessly capture it.
Bill profile image

About Bill

I’m a high-tech marketing executive and entrepreneur with a track record in the enterprise software domain. Having steered marketing teams at five hyper-growth companies with five successful exits, I’ve now set my sights on a new mission: making the business world more environmentally and socially responsible.

Enter GoodLiife, my brainchild, aimed at fostering positive change. Through innovations like ZenScore™ and LiifeScore™, I’m determined to give back to society by empowering individuals to lead more fulfilling lives. My ultimate goal? Tackling today’s epidemic of stress and unhappiness. Beyond the office, you’ll often find me at the ballpark, catching a game with friends and family.

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