Your Daily Life Tips (Week 18)

Life tips week 18

Daily Life Tip #121

Break Your Life Vision Down Into Life Buckets

Dive into your life’s vision by dissecting it into the following categories:

  1. Partner/Spouse,
  2. Family,
  3. Career,
  4. Finances,
  5. Friends,
  6. Leisure,
  7. Health (physical and emotional),
  8. Home life,
  9. Personal growth.

Envision precise goals for each, pondering, “What does success in each truly mean for me?” and “What emotions would success bring in each category?”


  • Breaking down your life’s vision into these 9  areas ensures holistic growth and balance, empowering you to set specific goals tailored to each aspect of your life for a more fulfilling journey.

Life Hack:

  • Jot down actionable steps you can take today for each aspect of your life’s vision. This proactive approach allows you to strategize and plan effectively to reach your goals.

Daily Life Tip #122

Start an Investment Strategy

Investing is a great way to support your financial health and help you become financially independent. Yet, if you’re unfamiliar with the process, it can feel daunting.

Here are a few simple tips to help you get started:

  • Know Thyself: Gauge your comfort level with risk. Are you ready for the ups and downs of the market, or do you prefer a smoother ride?
  • Knowledge is Power: Dive into the world of investments. Explore stocks, bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, and real estate. Understanding the risks and rewards of each can guide your decisions.
  • Spread Your Wings: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Diversify your investments across different types of assets to minimize risk.
  • Find Your Perfect Match: Choose a brokerage platform that fits like a glove. Look for one that aligns with your goals and offers the tools and support you need to succeed.


  • Investing isn’t just about making money; it’s about creating a pathway to financial freedom and realizing your dreams. With the power of compounding returns, you’ll plant the financial seed today to reap a bountiful harvest tomorrow. 
  • Plus, by investing wisely, you’re not just protecting your hard-earned cash from the claws of inflation; you’re giving it the chance to thrive and grow alongside your ambitions.

Life Hack:

  • If you’re unsure about how to proceed or want personalized guidance, consider consulting a financial advisor. They can help tailor an investment strategy to your specific needs and circumstances.

Daily Life Tip #123

Pursue Romantic Relationships That Flow Naturally

We’ve all heard the adage that relationships should be easy – and the truth is, they really are meant to be just that: easy.

Don’t fall into the emotional trap of staying with the wrong person when you could be out there finding the right one.

Relationships should uplift you, not cause stress, drama, or feelings of inadequacy. If you’re experiencing any of these negative emotions consistently, it’s a sign that you should move on.

Exiting a relationship that isn’t right for you can be challenging. For one, your hormones aren’t on your side, leaving you feeling lost, anxious, and sad. But remember, these feelings are temporary and will subside as your body’s hormones rebalance. Remember the motto: Tough choices today, easier life.  Easy choices today, harder life.


  • Research indicates that individuals in healthy romantic relationships tend to experience greater happiness, improved life satisfaction, and enhanced overall well-being. Interestingly, single individuals often exhibit higher levels of these qualities compared to those in unhealthy romantic relationships.

Life Hack: 

  • Don’t force a relationship just for the sake of being with someone. Instead, dive into your passions, immerse yourself in activities and communities where you’ll naturally encounter kindred spirits, and let the magic of connection unfold organically.

Daily Life Tip #124

Be Flexible In Your Thinking

Do you find yourself bound by rigid rules, beliefs, and values, or are you open to exploring alternative viewpoints and approaches?

Cognitive flexibility, the mind’s remarkable ability to adapt and shift between various concepts and perspectives, is closely linked to neural plasticity. This is the brain’s ability to form and reorganize neural connections in response to fresh information and experiences.

Embracing flexibility in your thinking empowers you to tackle challenges with finesse, connect empathetically with others, and engage critically with information, guarding against cognitive biases.

It also liberates you from the constraints of a rigid rulebook, opening the door to exhilarating new experiences and endless possibilities.

So, identify when your thinking is rigid, and instead actively seek new experiences, question established beliefs, and embrace alternative perspectives.


  • Cognitive flexibility serves as a powerful tool for thriving amidst life’s complexities, empowering individuals to conjure innovative solutions and navigate uncertainty with finesse. 
  • Furthermore, it acts as a shield of resilience, allowing swift adaptation to shifting circumstances, thereby honing problem-solving prowess and nurturing emotional well-being.

Life hack:

  • Pay attention to moments when you feel resistant to considering alternative perspectives or solutions; that resistance could be a signal of rigid thinking.

Daily Life Tip #125

Don’t Segregate Those Who Are Different

Humans have evolved to do well in groups. According to social cohesion theory, sticking together is really important for a group’s success.

This means that people who act or look different from the group can be seen as threats to this unity. Over time, groups with strong bonds were more likely to survive and have children, so it’s natural for us to prefer conformity and discourage differences.

This explains why those who act or look different often get picked on and bullied. Understanding these natural tendencies helps us recognize and challenge them in ourselves. Instead of following the group and picking on those who are different, try to overcome these instincts and be friendly and welcoming to everyone.


  • By overcoming your biological impulses to isolate those who are different, you can transcend your animal instincts and create a more inclusive, supportive environment. 
  • This shift will enrich your personal life as well, helping you build a diverse network of connections and support by being open, friendly, and welcoming to everyone.

Life Hack:

  • If you notice someone being pushed out of a group, step up, show kindness, talk to them, and actively stand against the bullying.

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