Your Daily Life Tips (Week 17)

Daily Life Tips

Daily Life Tip #114

Try Not to Take Yourself Too Seriously

The advice “don’t take yourself too seriously” means to not place excessive importance on your own thoughts, actions, or opinions. It’s about embracing imperfections, laughing at slip-ups, and being open to life’s wild ride.

So, how can you nail this attitude?

  • Embrace imperfections: Laugh at your mishaps instead of sweating the small stuff.
  • Surround yourself with good vibes: Hang with folks who keep it light and supportive.
  • Stay present: Practice mindfulness to dodge the traps of overthinking and self-doubt.
  • Get goofy: Find the humor in everyday absurdities – it’s a game-changer.
  • Dive into joy: Engage in activities that bring you joy and allow you to let loose and have fun without worrying about judgment or perfection.


  • By maintaining a lighthearted attitude toward oneself, the brain is less likely to engage in negative self-talk or rumination, resulting in improved overall well-being and mental health.
  • When you maintain a lighthearted attitude and are able to laugh at yourself, it can trigger the release of endorphins, neurotransmitters that promote feelings of happiness and relaxation. This can lead to improved mood, lower stress levels, and better overall health.

Life Hack:

  • Remind yourself regularly that imperfection is human and embrace your quirks with a smile.

Daily Life Tip #115

Find Your Local Refill Station

Imagine ditching the endless cycle of buying new bottles and cartons for everyday essentials. Instead, refill your go-to items like washing up liquid, detergent, shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, spices, nuts, and seeds at your local refill shop. 

It’s not just about saving money; it’s a small act with big benefits for the planet. So, grab those containers, seek out your nearest refill spot, and let’s make eco-friendly shopping a part of your routine!


  • Ever stop to think about what you’re really paying for when you buy something new? It’s not just the product itself; it’s also a chunk of the cost dedicated to packaging and branding. As such, refilling your everyday essentials with old packaging will save you money.
  • Instead of tossing containers after one use, imagine giving them a new lease on life and helping combat plastic pollution and overflowing landfills. In the U.S. alone, a staggering ~82.2 million tons of single-use packaging waste piles up every year. So, why not be part of the solution? Refill, reduce, and revamp your approach to consumption!

Life Hack: 

  • Simplify refilling by keeping your reusable containers handy. Incorporate a visit to your local refill shop as part of your weekly shop routine.

Daily Life Tip #116

Learn How to Identify a Bad Mood

Ever wondered what’s really cooking in your brain when you’re caught in the grip of a bad mood?

It all starts with a trigger that activates your brain’s control center, the Amygdala. 
Once activated, your Amygdala amps up your emotions and cranks your sensitivity to anything remotely negative. 

This whole commotion sends a signal to your body to unleash stress hormones like cortisol, turning you into a bundle of nerves and crankiness. 

But wait, there’s more! Heightened cortisol can actually inhibit the function of feel-good hormones such as serotonin. 

And with all this going on in your brain, you’re susceptible to negative thought patterns such as rumination or pessimism.

But fear not! Understanding this brainy rollercoaster ride can help you take a step back and see your bad mood for what it is – temporary turbulence.


  • By tuning into your bad mood radar and decoding the brainy shenanigans behind it, you can hit pause and see things with a clearer lens. 
  • Armed with this insight, you can proactively implement coping strategies to manage your mood. For instance, you can use exercise to reduce your cortisol levels. Talk to a loved one to boost serotonin. And challenge your negative thoughts when they arise.

Life Hack: 

  • Resist the urge to unleash your bad mood on others. It’s like pouring gasoline on a fire – it just fuels the cortisol and douses your serotonin, leaving you feeling even more down in the dumps!

Daily Life Tip #117

Be Proactive In Your Friendships

This means not sitting back and waiting for something to happen, but rather taking the reins and actively nurturing your connections. Here’s how you can dive in:

  • Initiate Plans: Don’t wait for the perfect moment to hang out. Take charge and organize fun outings or activities with your pals. Be the spark that ignites the social flame!
  • Check in Regularly: Make staying in touch a priority. Drop a text, give them a call, or send a carrier pigeon – just make sure they know you’re thinking of them.
  • Offer Support: When life throws curveballs, be the reliable friend who’s there to catch them. Lend an empathetic ear, offer a shoulder to lean on, and sprinkle some wisdom when needed.
  • Resolve Conflicts: No friendship is immune to disagreements, but tackling them head-on can strengthen your bond. Embrace open communication, listen with intent, and work together to find common ground. 


  • Investing in your friendships and actively cultivating these connections guarantees a life brimming with positivity. Scientific studies reveal that these interactions trigger the release of oxytocin, fostering trust and deepening bonds. 
  • This will, in turn, dial down cortisol – the stress hormone. So, essentially, more time with friends equals less stress and more joy!

Life Hack: 

  • As you plan for the week ahead, think about what you can do to proactively engage with your friends. Make a plan, and then follow through!

Daily Life Tip #118

Know Your Attachment Style

Attachment theory suggests that your early experiences with caregivers shape your ability to trust and form secure attachments in later relationships. According to this theory, there are four main attachment styles:

  • Secure Attachment: Associated with positive and trusting relationships.
  • Anxious-Preoccupied Attachment: Associated with the need for excessive reassurance, fear of abandonment, and possibly clingy behaviors.
  • Dismissive-Avoidant Attachment: Individuals tend to value independence and self-soothe, often avoiding emotional closeness and intimacy.
  • Fearful-Avoidant (Disorganized) Attachment: Individuals may struggle with trust and intimacy in relationships, oscillating between seeking closeness and withdrawing to protect themselves.

What’s important to note is that attachment theory emphasizes attachment styles aren’t fixed, meaning you have control to develop more secure attachment styles.


  • Identifying your attachment style will help you understand yourself better in relationships. You can identify areas you need to work on for more fulfilling relationships.

Life Hack:

  • Engaging in therapy or counseling can be beneficial, as it provides a supportive environment to explore past experiences, develop healthier coping mechanisms, and build more secure attachment patterns.

Daily Life Tip #119

Breath Before Arguing

When arguments heat up, your body kicks into overdrive, unleashing stress hormones like cortisol, pushing you into fight or flight mode. Think of it as your brain’s emergency alarm system going off.

Yet, this system essentially shuts down your prefrontal cortex – the region responsible for rational thought. And making rational decisions is precisely what you need to do in a difficult conversation.

So, instead of running on emotion, work to activate your parasympathetic nervous system by deep breathing.

Whenever you feel tensions rise, focus inward and on your breath. Take 5 deep breaths before acting or saying anything. This is the secret to mastering your emotions and keeping your cool amidst the chaos.


  • With your emotions under control, you’ll be able to communicate effectively, fostering understanding to seek a resolution.
  • This, in turn, prevents conflicts from escalating, maintaining relationships by promoting mutual respect and cooperation.

Life Hack:

  • This life tip requires practice. In the heat of an argument, you might forget to breathe, but that’s okay. With persistence, it will slowly become a habit.

Daily Life Tip #120

Learn How to Not Compare Yourself to Others

Escape the comparison trap by diving into self-awareness and self-compassion. Realize that each person boasts their own set of strengths and weaknesses and that comparisons breed stress and discontentment.


Celebrate your journey and achievements with gratitude, setting goals aligned with your values and dreams rather than external pressures.


Plus, shield yourself from comparison triggers like social media, opting instead for activities that nurture personal growth and fulfillment.



  • While comparing yourself to others can ignite motivation for improvement, it often comes hand in hand with waves of dissatisfaction, guilt, or remorse.
  • By sidestepping this comparison game, you wield the power to nurture a brighter, more contented mindset. It’s all within your grasp.

Life Hack:

  • Swap out the endless scroll of others’ social media snaps for a stroll through your camera roll. Revel in how far you have come, and no one else.

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