Vision and Goals Guide: Set Achievable Goals That Align With Your Life’s Vision (21 Steps)

Set Goals That Challenge You Out of Your Comfort Zone to Live a Life Aligned With Your Vision and Values for Improved Well-Being

Your life’s vision and goals are the elements that shape and guide you every day.

Your life vision is how you imagine your life in the long term. This reflects your core values, passions, and the desired impact you want to have on the world. Your goals are specific, measurable, and time-bound objectives that contribute to the realization of your vision. They are actionable steps you can take to move closer to your desired outcome.

Your goals and vision encompass all areas of your life. This can include the type of relationships you’d like to nurture, your ideal career path, or where you’d like to live. The other GoodLiife Guides are designed to help you improve these different areas of your life. This GoodLiife guide helps you set your life’s vision and goals.

Here’s a preview of the latest GoodLiife LiifeGuide on Vision and Goals. See what you think of the first 5 steps. Our subscribers get all 11 complete LiifeGuides in addition to daily LiifeTips and weekly LiifeHabits.


LiifeGuide: Vision and Goals Guide

Vision and Goals Guide Step 1: Reflect on Your Values

Your values are your deeply held beliefs and principles that guide your thinking and behavior. These are the fundamental concepts and standards you consider important in your life. Spend time writing down your values. This should include what you think is right, important, and worthwhile in life. Examples of core values include integrity, respect, responsibility, justice, loyalty, and freedom.

Vision and Goals Guide Step 2: Reflect on Your Passions and What Brings You Joy

What are your intense and compelling interests? What activities evoke strong enthusiasm and excitement? These are the pursuits and endeavors you find meaningful and fulfilling. They’ll drive a sense of purpose and engagement. You want to design your life around these passions and interests. Do more of what makes you happy.

Vision and Goals Guide Step 3: Envision Your Ideal Life


When envisioning your ideal life, think about the following:


    • The types of relationships do you have? This includes romantic relationships, friendships, and family relations.
    • What field are you working in? How are you contributing to the world?
    • Where do you live?
    • How much time do you have to pursue your hobbies and other interests?
    • How much time do you have for holidays, travel, and leisure activities?
    • Are you learning? What are you learning? What level of education have you achieved?
    • Do you have a family? Do you live close to family members and friends?
    • How physically active are you? Do you have access to fresh ingredients and fresh, healthy food?
    • How do you feel in your envisioned life? How are you taking care of your mental health?


You want to imagine your envisioned life with no boundaries. This vision defines what success means to you.

Vision and Goals Guide Step 4: Set Long-term Goals

Using your responses from the previous steps, set long-term goals. These goals should be aligned with your life vision. Think about how you can use your strengths, skills, and education to help you achieve these goals. Next, think about how your weaknesses could interfere or even prevent you from attaining these goals and address this. That is, how can you overcome and manage your weaknesses? Set long-term goals for the next 5, 10, and 20 years.

Vision and Goals Guide Step 5: Explore New Interests 

Let’s say you’ve achieved one of your longer-term goals, or you may even be living your life vision. This is a great achievement that’s worth celebrating. However, this can lead you to feel unmotivated in life without another clear focus. Exploring new hobbies and interests can bring you joy with new goals to add excitement and variety. Do some research. Think about activities and topics you’d like to delve deeper into. This could be an adventure sport, learning a language, or going back into education.

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