How to Choose a Life Coach: Your 6-Step Guide to Choose the Best Mentor

How to Choose a Life Coach Your 6-Step Guide to Choose the Best Mentor

If You’re Not Sure How to Choose a Life Coach, GoodLiife Has You Covered

Feeling overwhelmed by the endless coaching options? You’re not alone. With so many coaches promising big results, it can be tricky to know who’s truly worth your time.

In this GoodLiife article, you’ll find a straightforward 6-step guide to help you choose the perfect life coach to turn your dreams into reality and boost your happiness.

Plus, you’ll uncover exactly what to expect from a life coach and learn the difference between life coaching and therapy.

Life coaching can truly transform your life. For instance, individual and group coaching can reduce procrastination and set you on the fast track to achieving your goals, according to a study published in Frontiers in Psychology. Plus, the Institute of Coaching found that, for participants who used life coaching:

  • An impressive 80% experienced a significant boost in self-esteem.
  • 70% saw improvements in work performance, relationships, and communication skills.
  • 86% of companies reported a solid return on investment.

Ready to make a positive change? Click on the links below to navigate to your section of choice, or keep reading to become an expert in life coaching and unlock the secrets to finding the perfect mentor.

A life coach helps you reach your personal and professional goals, improve your life, and become your best self. They offer advice and encouragement, keeping you on track to make positive, lasting changes, while also helping you tackle life’s challenges.

Life coaches vary in their areas of focus. Specialties include career development, relationship support, health guidance, and personal growth. Regardless of their expertise, a life coach uplifts you to achieve your aspirations, ensuring you thrive in every aspect of your life.

"Life coaches use their own experiences and values to inform their work and provide services based on those factors. For example, from the lessons I learned, I created a program to help LGBTQIA+ individuals navigate the dating landscape and build strong connections"

Here are some exciting ways life coaching can make a difference to your life:

  • Goal Setting: Figure out what you want with clearly set goals.
  • Action Planning: Create an action plan, with steps to reach your goals.
  • Motivation and Encouragement: Receive motivation and encouragement to stay focused and committed.
  • Accountability: Stay on track and take responsibility for your progress.
  • Overcoming Obstacles: Spot and tackle any challenges that come up.
  • Personal Growth: Look inward for self-discovery and growth so you can achieve your full potential.

To deliver on the above, a life coach uses a range of tools like self-assessments, interactive worksheets, in-session exercises, and reflection activities.

What is Life Coaching? A Brief Dive into Its History

Life coaching is a relatively new field that draws on concepts from psychology and personal development.

It specifically draws from the human potential movement of the 1960s, leadership training, and adult education.

Life coaching first appeared in the 1980s with a focus on life planning. Since then, it has expanded to include many areas such as relationships, finances, careers, health, and overall well-being.

Today, life coaching offers a comprehensive approach to personal growth, helping people excel in every aspect of their lives.

Life coaches specialize in different areas to offer targeted support. The main types of life coaches include:

  • Career Coaches:
    • Boost your career, land new jobs, switch fields, and achieve your professional dreams.
  • Health and Wellness Coaches:
    • Enhance your physical health, fitness, eating habits, and overall well-being.
  • Relationship Coaches:
    • Strengthen your relationships, improve communication, and resolve conflicts.
  • Executive Coaches:
    • Sharpen your leadership skills to elevate your company’s performance.
  • Financial Coaches:
    • Manage your finances, set up budgets, cut down on debt, and plan for your financial goals.
  • Life Balance Coaches:
    • Balance work, family, and personal time in a way that works best for you.
  • Personal Development Coaches:
    • Boost self-confidence and achieve personal growth.
  • Spiritual Coaches:
    • Explore and deepen your spiritual beliefs and discover meaning and purpose in life.
  • Productivity Coaches:
    • Enhance your efficiency, time management, and work habits to help you accomplish more.
  • Parenting Coaches:
    • Create a nurturing and positive family environment.
  • Youth Coaches:
    • Improve your grades at school while balancing your social life, and keeping your body and mind healthy.
  • Creativity Coaches:
    • Overcome creative blocks.
  • Sports Life Coaches:
    • Improve athletic performance, set and achieve sports goals, and balance training with your personal life.
  • Divorce Life Coaches:
    • Navigate the emotional, legal, and logistical challenges that come with divorce, while confidently rebuilding your new life.

Each type of life coach customizes their approach to fit the specific needs and goals of their clients.

Life Coaching vs Therapy - Table Compare the Two Appraoches to Personal Development and Well-being Support

Therapists are your experts in tackling mental health challenges. If you’re dealing with mood disorders, anxiety, or addiction, therapists help you manage symptoms and guide your recovery.

They are highly trained professionals with advanced degrees and licenses in mental health. Therapists adhere to a rigorous ethical code, ensuring your privacy and upholding strict confidentiality. Plus, they are committed to ongoing education, staying at the forefront of their field to provide you with the best care possible.

If you’re experiencing a specific mental health challenge, it’s crucial to consult a mental health professional as soon as possible to ensure you receive the appropriate care.

Life coaches, on the other hand, are your partners in personal growth and achievement. They focus on helping you set and smash your goals, improve various aspects of your life, and unlock your full potential. While they don’t diagnose or treat mental health conditions, they offer valuable guidance for making strides in your personal and professional life. 

Unlike therapists, life coaches aren’t bound by formal regulations or privacy laws. This allows life coaches to adopt a unique and flexible approach to supporting your journey. For instance, life coaches don’t have to comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

Life Coaching Vs Therapy Example

Life Coaching Example: John’s Journey to Career Fulfillment

Meet John, a mid-career professional who feels stuck and unsatisfied with his current job. Eager to find more career satisfaction, John turns to a life coach for help.

Together, John and his coach embark on a transformative journey where they explore John’s strengths, set clear career goals, and create a detailed plan for success.

Through engaging sessions, John’s life coach helps him develop key professional skills, balance his work and personal life, and map out practical steps to achieve his career dreams. With personalized guidance, John begins to see a clearer path and a renewed sense of purpose in his work.

Therapy Example: Sarah’s Path to Healing and Resilience

Meet Sarah, who has struggled with chronic anxiety and low self-esteem since childhood. These issues have taken a toll on her relationships and overall well-being. Determined to find relief, Sarah seeks help through therapy.

Her therapist uses proven methods, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), to help Sarah identify and challenge her negative thought patterns. Through their sessions, Sarah gains a deeper understanding of her emotions, works through past traumas, and builds stronger mental and emotional resilience. As therapy progresses, Sarah begins to feel more empowered and discovers new strengths on her journey toward healing and personal growth.

In these situations, John seeks life coaching to boost his career and find greater job satisfaction. Sarah turns to therapy to address long-term mental health issues and improve her overall emotional well-being.

Use the checklist below to mark off each step once completed.

 Define Your Life Coaching Needs

 Dig Deeper Using a Thorough Vetting Process

 Schedule an Initial Consultation with Your Top Choices 

 Complete a Client Intake Form

 Get Ready – What to Expect From Your Coaching Sessions

 Utilize Supporting Digital Tools

Step #1: Define Your Life Coaching Needs

Choosing the right life coach is essential. Imagine hiring a career coach when your main challenges are in your romantic life – that wouldn’t help much, would it?

That’s why it’s crucial to pinpoint exactly why you’re seeking a life coach. To make this process easier, use the checklist below to guide you:

Unleash Your Potential with Self-Reflection: Take a moment to dream big and identify the areas of your life you want to improve or transform. Set clear short-term and long-term goals for each of these areas. Grab a notepad and answer these thought-provoking questions:
  • What do you want to accomplish this week?
  • What are your goals for this month?
  • Where do you see yourself in a year?
  • What dreams do you have for the next five years?
  • What are your ultimate life ambitions?
  • What obstacles are currently blocking your path?

Writing down your answers will give you clarity and direction, paving the way for exciting progress and achievement.

  Take Stock of Your Situation:

  • Reflect on Your Strengths: What are you really good at? What skills and talents come naturally to you? Recognizing your strengths is crucial – they are the foundation upon which you can build your success.
  • Identify Your Weaknesses: Be honest about areas where you struggle. Are there skills you lack that hold you back? Acknowledging your weaknesses is the first step toward overcoming them.
  • Assess Your Resources: Take stock of all the resources you have at your disposal. This includes your network, financial resources, educational opportunities, and any other assets that can help you achieve your goals.
  • Spot Recurring Patterns: Look for habits or behaviors that consistently hinder your progress. Are there negative thought patterns or actions that repeatedly cause setbacks? Recognizing these patterns allows you to address and change them.
  • Identify Barriers: What obstacles are standing in your way? These could be external factors like financial constraints or internal factors like fear and self-doubt. Pinpointing these barriers will help you develop strategies to overcome them.

Taking a thorough inventory of your strengths, weaknesses, resources, patterns, and barriers provides a clear picture of where you stand and what needs to change. This insight is essential for creating a realistic and effective plan for personal and professional growth.

  Figure Out the Support You Need:

Based on your reflections, determine what kind of support you need from a life coach. Is it guidance, accountability, motivation, skill development, or strategies to overcome specific challenges?

Identifying the type of support you need will help you find the life coach who can best assist you on your journey.

Align Your Choice With Your Core Values:

Think about what truly matters to you. What principles and beliefs guide your decisions and actions? This could be honesty, growth, creativity, or balance. These are your core values and they shape who you are.

When choosing a life coach, their values and approach must align with your core values. A coach who shares your values will understand you better and support you in a way that feels genuine and inspiring.

Step #2: Dig Deeper Using a Thorough Vetting Process

Use your answers from step #1 to explore different types of life coaches and their methods. Check out the coaches’ backgrounds, qualifications, and client reviews. Since there are no set rules for education or training for life coaches, it’s crucial to carefully check out your options. This will help you avoid getting bad advice or working with someone who isn’t right for you.

To assist you in your search, listed below are key attributes to look out for when choosing the right life coach:

  • Top Certifications: Look for life coaches who boast certifications from top organizations like the International Coach Federation (ICF), the International Association of Coaching (IAC), or the Center for Credentialing & Education (CCE). These credentials show that they’ve met rigorous standards and are committed to excellence.
  • Diverse Training in Coaching Styles: Great life coaches don’t just stick to one method. They’ve trained in various coaching styles. Examples include autocratic, democratic, holistic, and intuitive coaching. This training gives coaches a toolkit of techniques to help you tackle your goals in the best way possible.
  • A Solid Educational Background: While not a must, many top coaches come from backgrounds in psychology, counseling, social work, or business management. Advanced degrees and certifications in these fields can significantly enhance a coach’s skillset and effectiveness.
  • Hands-On Experience and Specialization: The best coaches gain their expertise through real-world experience, for instance, mentorship or supervised practice. This hands-on experience makes them adept at addressing specific challenges.
  • Commitment to Lifelong Learning: Exceptional life coaches are always evolving. They stay updated on industry trends, continuously refine their techniques, and embrace new best practices to ensure they provide you with the most effective support.

When you choose a life coach with these qualities, you’re setting yourself up for a truly transformative experience.

Step #3: Schedule an Initial Consultation with Your Top Choices

After you’ve tackled Steps #1 and #2, you’ll have a shortlist of promising life coaches. The next step? Schedule a free initial consultation with each of them. This isn’t a formal meeting; it’s more of a casual chat where the coach gets to understand your needs and you get a feel for their style and personality.

Use this opportunity to see if you connect with their coaching style and if their approach aligns with your goals. Are they someone you’d enjoy working with?

Before your consultations, jot down a list of questions you want to ask. This will ensure you cover everything you need to make an informed decision. After these chats, you’ll be ready to select the life coach who’s the perfect fit for your journey.

Step #4: Complete a Client Intake Form

client intake form is a powerful tool designed to dive deep into your world before your first coaching session. This document is packed with thoughtful questions that reveal your background, needs, goals, and expectations. It sets the stage for a highly personalized and effective coaching or therapy experience.

The best intake forms go beyond surface-level questions. They explore every aspect of your life – your career, personal relationships, physical and mental health, sense of purpose, and financial well-being. Why?

…Because everything in your life is connected. For instance, financial stress can impact your mental health, which might, in turn, affect your relationships. To truly support you, your life coach needs to understand the full picture of your life.

This is where GoodLiife comes in. By using a holistic approach to well-being management, GoodLiife’s intake form is designed to bridge the gap in traditional coaching. By completing the questions you receive a LiifeScore. Your LiifeScore is a detailed snapshot that assesses how you’re doing in the following key areas:

  • Mental Health and Emotions
  • Physical Health 
  • Romantic Relationships
  • Friendships 
  • Career
  • Personal Growth 
  • Life Vision and Goals
  • Financial Health 
  • Home Environment 
  • Purpose
  • Leisure

Habit #9: Reflect on Three Things You’re Grateful for Everyday

GoodLiife isn’t just another life coaching software; it’s the only one that offers an in-depth life assessment and intake form. This exclusive tool provides a thorough and insightful look at your life.

When you complete the GoodLiife LiifeScore, you’re providing your life coach with the detailed information they need to tailor their approach specifically for you. Plus, you’re also gaining valuable insights into the root causes of your challenges. This knowledge can be directly applied to your everyday life.

For example, you might discover that while you’ve been intensely focused on advancing your career, your personal relationships have suffered, causing an imbalance that’s affecting your overall happiness. This newfound understanding from your LiifeScore offers fresh perspectives. The goal? To help you achieve balance in your life so you can feel happy and content.

GoodLiife Life Score - Comprehensive Client Intake Form

Step #5: Get Ready - What to Expect From Your Coaching Sessions

Your first coaching session is where the real magic begins. This meeting will typically involve a deep dive into who you are, your background, and your goals. Think of it as a dynamic conversation that builds on the insights gained from your completed client intake form (see Step #4).

This initial chat sets the stage to design a coaching plan crafted just for you.

In your follow-up sessions, you’ll review the progress you’ve made since your last meeting. Here you can celebrate your wins, address any obstacles, and focus on areas that need more attention. Your coach will then outline a clear action plan, including “homework” tasks to keep you on track between sessions.

Keep in mind that this is a general outline. Every person’s journey is unique, and so is each coach’s approach.

To give you a head start, here’s a quick look at what you can expect from your coaching sessions:

  • Goal Setting: Set bold, clear goals that ignite your passion – whether they’re related to personal growth, career, relationships, or health. Your life coach will help you define these goals.
  • Action Planning: Together with your coach, you’ll craft an acrtion plan to help you acheive your set goals. Think of this as a roadmap with practical steps designed to propel you straight toward your dreams.
  • Accountability: Your coach will be your cheerleader and accountability partner, ensuring you stay on track and motivated. They’ll keep you focused, celebrate your wins, and help you power through any setbacks.
  • Exploration and Reflection: Dive deep into your beliefs, values, and behaviors. Coaching sessions are all about uncovering new insights to enhance your self-awareness.
  • Support and Encouragement: You’ll be in a supportive and judgment-free zone where your coach is dedicated to guiding you through every challenge. They’ll celebrate your victories and keep you inspired every step of the way.
  • Skill Development: Your coach will help you build essential skills like effective communication, time management, decision-making, and stress management.
  • Feedback and Guidance: Prepare for honest, constructive feedback and valuable insights that will help unlock your full potential.
  • Progress Evaluation: Regular check-ins will track your progress and ensure you’re moving forward. If adjustments are needed, your coach will help you pivot and keep your momentum strong toward long-term success.

Step #6: Utilize Supporting Digital Tools

Your life coaching sessions will typically last about an hour each week or every other week. While this dedicated time is incredibly valuable, making real progress requires daily engagement. To truly advance, you must incorporate regular reflection, develop new habits, and take consistent action. This is where additional support tools come in handy.


Life coaching software is a game-changer that transforms how you and your coach work together. These digital platforms offer much more than just scheduling – they include features like goal-setting, progress tracking, and seamless communication to keep your coaching journey dynamic and effective. With these tools, you can easily collaborate with your coach, complete assignments, and provide regular updates on your progress. This ongoing interaction ensures that your life coaching experience extends beyond the one-hour weekly session and becomes a continuous part of your daily life.


Curious about the best life coaching tools? Read “The Best Life Coaching Tools to Build a Successful Brand” to gain insights into the tools you might want your coach to use. Particularly you’ll want to select a tool that’s focused on the client’s needs first. For example, GoodLiife has been designed with your personal growth in mind. Whether you’re on your phone or computer, GoodLiife seamlessly integrates well-being into your daily routine. Manage your goals, access valuable well-being information, explore life-enhancing tips, get professional advice, and set exciting challenges – all from one convenient platform. 


With GoodLiife, you can:

  • Adopt a holistic approach to assess and enhance all areas of your life, including physical and emotional health, career, relationships, and sense of purpose.
  • Build and track new habits to foster healthier daily routines and push yourself toward growth.
  • Stay accountable and transparent in your wellness journey, ensuring you remain on track and motivated.

Embrace GoodLiife to turn your goals into reality and make your journey toward success and well-being a vibrant, everyday experience!

Choose the Right Life Coach and Use GoodLiife to Track Your Transformation

Choosing the right life coach can feel overwhelming, but GoodLiife is here to make your choice straightforward and rewarding. 

This article provides a clear and actionable 6-step guide on how to choose a life coach. Plus, you now understand what life coaching entails and can differentiate it from therapy. With these insights, you’ll be well-equipped to choose a coach who aligns with your personal needs and goals.

Life coaching has the power to dramatically transform your life, boosting your self-esteem, enhancing your work performance, and improving your relationships. Yet, GoodLiife takes this transformation to the next level by offering a cutting-edge platform that seamlessly integrates into your daily life.

With Goodliife you can continually assess you life using a holistic approach, set and track your goals, access valuable advice, and explore life-enhancing tips. GoodLiife ensures your coaching journey doesn’t just occur in weekly sessions but becomes an integral and vibrant part of your everyday life.

Ready to ignite your transformation? Sign up for GoodLiife today and start elevating your life to new heights!f

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