Client Intake Form Template: How to Master Life Coaching

Master Life Coaching How to Create an Effective Client Intake Form (1)

A client intake form is your gateway to truly understanding your clients’ needs, preferences, and goals. It’s the key to unlocking deep insights into what makes your clients tick.

In the competitive world of coaching, client intake forms are absolutely essential. With a staggering 82% of coaching businesses failing within their first two years, according to the International Coaching Federation, there’s an urgent need for coaches to refine their approach and build stronger client relationships.

In this GoodLiife article, you’ll uncover the power of client intake forms and how they can transform your coaching practices. Plus, discover how these forms, grounded in psychological research, can propel your clients to succeed by fostering deep reflection, building trust, and tracking progress.

But how can you create an intake form that delivers these benefits? Look no further! GoodLiife’s easy-to-follow, 5-step guide will walk you through designing an intake form that not only boosts your coaching effectiveness but also elevates your clients’ lives to new heights.

Ready to elevate your coaching practice to the next level? Continue reading to get started now!

A client intake form is a document that businesses and professionals use to collect important details from a new client when they first start working together. This form helps you understand what your client likes and needs, setting the stage for a strong and well-matched partnership right from the beginning.

Which Industries Benefit Most from Client Intake Forms?

Client intake forms make a big impact across various industries. While this article focuses on their use in coaching services, it’s useful to know about the different types of intake forms you might encounter in your research. Here’s a glimpse into the diverse ways these forms are utilized:

  • Life Coaching: As mentioned, client intake forms are essential for kickstarting a successful coaching journey. They help you build a strong connection with clients, understand their unique challenges, set clear goals, and track their progress from start to finish.
  • Healthcare: In healthcare, client intake forms are crucial. They capture essential medical histories, enabling doctors, therapists, and clinics to provide personalized care that truly meets each patient’s needs.
  • Legal Services: For legal professionals, client intake forms gather vital details that lawyers need to offer the best advice and effective representation.
  • Financial Services: Financial advisors and accountants use client intake forms to explore their clients’ financial worlds. These forms help professionals develop strategies that align perfectly with their clients’ financial goals.
  • Business Consulting: In business consulting, client intake forms serve as a blueprint for success. They provide consultants with a comprehensive view of their clients’ businesses, enabling precise and tailored guidance.

With GoodLiife’s client intake form you can: 

  • Take a holistic approach to your clients’ well-being, covering their physical and emotional health, work, family dynamics, and sense of purpose.
  • Track their habits, assign tasks, and offer valuable educational resources to enhance their wellness.
  • Foster accountability and empowerment as your clients navigate their path to achieve their goals.

Grounded in psychological and neuroscience research, client intake forms enable you to forge deeper connections with your clients. In this section, you’ll explore the science behind their effectiveness and learn how to harness their full potential for transformative coaching results.

Client Intake Forms Spark Metacognition to Boost the Effectiveness of Coaching

Metacognition is the practice of being aware of your own thinking processes. It means understanding how your thoughts work, being able to trace their origins, and recognizing how they influence your behavior. 

Metacognition is crucial for mastering self-regulated learning. Studies show it empowers individuals to track their progress, evaluate their success, and make necessary adjustments to reach their goals.

With this in mind, in what ways do client intake forms enhance metacognitive abilities?

Client intake forms play a key role in fostering metacognition by encouraging deep self-reflection. Thoughtfully crafted questions help clients uncover their habitual thought and behavior patterns, such as self-doubt and procrastination, which may obstruct their progress. By identifying these challenges, you can then work with your clients to develop strategies to overcome them, while monitoring their thinking to support their wellbeing goals. Effective planning and thought monitoring skills are essential for achieving metacognition.

To prompt this meaningful reflection, intake forms should include questions that encourage clients to explore their emotional experiences. Demonstrating this in practice, consider GoodLiife’s ZenScore. This intake form asks clients about how they feel about various aspects of their life, including their:

  • Emotional and mental well-being
  • Leisure time
  • Sense of purpose
  • Romantic relationships
  • Home environment
  • Career

This approach reveals hidden challenges that more emotionally detached questions might not uncover. 

For instance, a client might appear to have many friends on paper, but reflecting on their feelings about these relationships might reveal issues like a lack of trust or support. Therefore, selecting an intake form that explores how clients feel about different aspects of their lives is crucial for gaining deeper insights and driving metacognition.

Client Intake Forms Build Trust Through Empathy and Active Listening

Asking thoughtful, open-ended questions on a client intake form shows your clients that their experiences and perspectives truly matter. From the very beginning, they’ll feel valued and understood. 

Plus, understanding your clients experiences is key for empathizing with them. In the coach-client relationship, empathy is stated to be a powerful bridge, fostering open communication and deepening the connection between you and your clients.

Client Intake Forms Are Important for Goal Setting and Achievement

Client intake forms should include questions designed to uncover client goals and potential obstacles. This primes your client’s brain for action. That is, by setting goals early in the coaching process through intake forms, you are effectively priming the client’s mind to stay focused on those goals, making it more likely they will take actions to achieve them

Plus, drawing from Dr. Edwin Locke and Dr. Gary Latham’s Goal-Setting Theory of Motivation, by supporting your clients in setting specific and challenging goals, intake forms can significantly boost their motivation and drive for success.

Client Intake Forms Fuel Brain Growth and Behavioral Change

Neuroplasticity is the brain’s remarkable ability to change and grow throughout life. This means that certain thought patterns and ways of thinking are strengthened the more they are used, while less-used ones fade.

Applying this concept to coaching, an intake form encourages clients to reflect on their goals and challenges. As they do, they start forming new patterns of thought, which can lead to positive behavioral changes. Regularly revisiting these reflections throughout the coaching journey strengthens these new neural pathways, making lasting change more achievable.

Client Intake Forms Serve as a Reference Point to Measure Growth and Success

Your intake forms also act as powerful tools driving client growth and success. When your client sets a goal within the intake form, their brain begins to anticipate the reward of achieving it. This anticipation activates the brain’s reward system and triggers the release of dopamine, the ‘motivation molecule‘ that drives us to take action.

This is explained by Chris Holman, a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) by the International Coach Federation (ICF):

"That’s the funny thing about dopamine. You can get a bigger spike in the anticipation and planning phase than in achieving the goal itself. Dopamine is released when we anticipate a reward or something about to happen. The dopamine spike helps us to take action…dopamine is more about motivation than just pleasure."

To harness this natural motivation effect, it’s important to break down your client’s large goals into smaller, more achievable steps. Studies show that the brain is more likely to engage in goal-setting behavior if it has been rewarded for similar actions before. This means that by helping your client reach smaller goals first and celebrating those wins, you encourage the behavior and make it easier for them to take on bigger challenges.

Step #1: Make Sure to Gather Essential Basic Information

Start by gathering essential details from your client, such as their:

 Contact info (like email and phone number)
 Preferred ways to communicate
 Main concerns

Plus, don’t forget to ask about their timeline and expected start date for working with you.

Step #2: Get a Full Picture of Your Client’s Life with a Comprehensive Evaluation

Now, it’s time to dive into the heart of your intake form. To truly help your client, you need a detailed understanding of every facet of their life.

Recent research highlights the importance of adopting a holistic approach to life coaching. That is, every aspect of a person’s life influences their overall well-being and life goals. As a life coach, it’s therefore essential you consider all areas of your client’s life, including their:

For instance, career growth is intertwined with personal development, while health and mental well-being are affected by job and financial stressors.

GoodLiife embraces this holistic perspective, aiming to transform life coaching with its innovative software. By integrating cutting-edge science, GoodLiife supports a balanced coaching approach that considers the full spectrum of your client’s life. This helps you deliver deep, insightful care while focusing on meaningful human connections.

With GoodLiife’s comprehensive scorecard system, you’ll start your coaching relationship by identifying key challenges and areas for improvement across 11 essential domains:

  1. Purpose: Discover your client’s true passions and sense of purpose.
  2. Mindset and Emotions: Build mental resilience and a peak performance mindset.
  3. Physical Health: Enhance vitality, fitness, and overall well-being.
  4. Family and Friends: Strengthen valuable connections with loved ones.
  5. Romance: Enrich and energize your client’s romantic relationships.
  6. Goals and Life Vision: Set inspiring goals and craft a vibrant life vision.
  7. Environment: Create a sense of purpose and belonging at home and in the community.
  8. Personal Growth and Development: Foster personal growth and set developmental goals.
  9. Career: Advance your client’s career with satisfaction and purpose.
  10. Leisure: Ensure your client enjoys rejuvenating activities.
  11. Financial Health: Build a solid foundation for financial stability and abundance.

With this comprehensive intake form assessment you can tailor your coaching strategies more effectively. Plus, ongoing monitoring and real-time tracking enable you to go beyond the initial intake form, giving you insight into what’s working and what needs adjustment as time progresses. This keeps your clients moving forward toward their goals.

Step #3: Ask About Your Client’s Goals and Challenges

Grasping your client’s goals and challenges is key to creating an impactful intake form. Make sure your form includes these essential questions:

  • What specific goals do you hope to achieve during our coaching sessions?
  • Where do you envision yourself in the next 3-5 years?
  • What are the biggest challenges you’re facing right now?
  • Are there any potential obstacles that might prevent you from reaching your goals?
  • How would you define success for yourself?
  • What are your greatest strengths and areas for improvement?

Use GoodLiife to enhanced this process with these powerful features:

  • Habit and Goals Tracker: This allows your client to set and monitor goals across various aspects of their life, from financial aspirations to relationship milestones. This tool supports your client’s growth and helps you understand their deep-seated ambitions.
  • Notes Feature: This feature enables your clients to add context to their self-assessment scores. Encourage them to explain the significance of each score, identify barriers to achieving higher scores, define what success looks like for them, and describe their vision for the next 3-5 years in each area of their life.

Step #4:Create Space for Additional Insights and Questions

Are there crucial details your potential clients might want to share that your intake form hasn’t covered?

It’s unlikely that your intake form will capture every relevant detail for every client. For instance, some may have unique needs or concerns. That’s why it’s essential to design your intake form to be flexible and allow clients to provide any additional information they consider important.

GoodLiife’s notes feature is ideal for this purpose. It lets your clients add extra information for each self-assessment question, ensuring you get a fuller picture of their situation.

Plus, GoodLiife’s online journal gives clients the freedom to record daily reflections and details in their own words. If they choose to share this with you, you’ll gain deeper insights into their habits, actions, and emotions, enabling you to offer a more tailored coaching experience

Step #5: Kickstart Your First Session with Insights from the Client Intake Form

Use your client intake form to steer your initial coaching sessions. Focus on key areas and invite clients to elaborate on important points.

When clients see that you’ve taken the time to read and understand their answers, it makes them feel safe and more willing to share and engage in the coaching process.

Plus, psychological principles of rapport-building, show that starting discussions based on what clients have already shared with you creates stronger connections and mutual respect. Here, you demonstrate to your client that  you’re genuinely listening and valuing their input, which helps strengthen the coach-client relationship.

You can also use your client intake form to customize your questions and session focus to their unique situation.

Research shows this personalized and client-centered approach creates a more relevant and engaging coaching experience for your client.

Step into the Future of Coaching: How GoodLiife Enhances Client Intake and Success

A client intake form is a transformative tool that reveals your clients’ needs, preferences, and goals, paving the way for an impactful coaching relationship.

This GoodLiife article has shown you how client intake forms can transform your coaching practice. By integrating cutting-edge psychological research and innovative features, you can inspire deep reflection, build meaningful trust, and monitor your clients’ progress with precision.

But why stop there? Elevate your coaching practice with GoodLiife’s advanced life coaching software. Forget about manual forms and time-consuming processes. GoodLiife’s state-of-the-art tools streamline your client assessment from the very start and throughout their journey. Embrace a revolutionary, holistic approach to well-being and deliver unparalleled results that no other intake form can match.

Ready to take your coaching to the next level? Join GoodLiife today and experience a new standard of client care and success. The future of coaching is here – don’t miss out!

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