Unlock Your Potential: 12 Best Life Coach Apps & How to Pick One

Unlock Your Potential: 12 Best Life Coach Apps & How to Pick One

Life coach apps are powerful tools that can help coaches manage both their clients and the business side of things. Whether you’re supporting your clients’ well-being or streamlining your operations, these apps have become essential to life coaching in today’s digital world.

Business coach Robin Waite points out some of the major challenges that many life coaches encounter, noting that they often:

  • Lack time,
  • Have difficulty selling services, 
  • Feel overwhelmed by technology,
  • Don’t have access to effective marketing tools,
  • Are losing clients before they complete their programs.

This GoodLiife article presents the top 12 life coach apps to help you overcome these common challenges. Each app has been carefully selected to meet both your client-focused and business needs, giving you a toolkit to help you thrive in your coaching practice. Specifically, this article covers the following:

What is a Life Coach App?

Imagine being a personal mentor that fits right in your client’s pocket! This is what you can achieve with a life coach app. It’s a smart tool your clients can use on their phones or computers to improve various aspects of their lives. Whether they want to grow as individuals, succeed in their careers, or feel better mentally, these apps can help.

Plus, life coach apps can be game-changers for launching and managing your coaching business. They streamline essential tasks like scheduling, invoicing, and client communications, allowing you to focus on what you do best – coaching and inspiring your clients. These tools handle the operational details so you can channel your energy into growing your business and making an impact.

When choosing a life coach app, aim to build a portfolio of applications that together provide the following features. You want a balance between apps that meet your business needs and those that serve your client’s needs.

Essential Client-Centric Features to Look for in Your Life Coach App


  • Goal Setting: Research shows that having clear and challenging goals will help your client focus, driving success. With specific goals, your client will be more motivated to reach new heights. Choose an app that allows you to set and record your client’s goals.
  • Progress Tracking: Research also highlights the importance of progress tracking. Regularly checking in to assess how your client is doing helps you catch problems early and make changes as needed. Plus, tracking your client’s progress will highlight their successes, boosting their confidence and keeping them motivated to continue.
  • Self-Assessments: Self-assessments are powerful tools that help your client understand their behavior, and life, while allowing you both to identify areas for improvement. Self-assessments are vital in applying an evidence-based coaching approach. Being “evidence based” means to test coaching styles and options to see which is most effective. Your client’s self-assessment results can determine whether the treatment works. Think of it as like testing different recipes to find out which one makes the best cake. Such evidence based approaches are extremely successful in therapy, which suggests similar results could be obtained in life coaching contexts. 
  • Motivational Content: Choose an app that keeps your client motivated every day. Look for ones that offer inspiring challenges, tips, and quotes. These can provide the encouragement your client needs to stay committed and excited about their journey.
  • Journaling: Choose an app that has built-in journaling features so your client can write down their thoughts and feelings. Research shows that journaling can help reduce stress, improve people’s mood, increase mindfulness, and even boost memory and problem-solving skills.
  • Gamification: Make your coaching fun with gamification. By adding elements like points, rewards, and challenges, life coaching apps turn your coaching approach into a fun experience. 
  • Educational Resources: Choose an app that shares educational resources so your client can better understand their challenges and learn more about happiness and well-being. These resources should help your client prepare for their coaching sessions and empower them to eventually become their own life coach.
  • A Holistic Approach to Well-being: Be sure to choose a life coach app that analyzes your client’s well-being holistically. This means considering all aspects of a person’s life, including the following elements:

Each of these elements is scientifically proven to enhance an individual’s well-being, happiness, and overall contentment.

To expand on the latter point more consider the following example. 

Susan wanted to change her career and sought help from a life coach. However, she struggled with motivation to complete the tasks set by her life coach. This was because she felt down due to a broken ankle, which kept her from exercising and affected her social life. A good life coach app should detect these interconnected issues and help Susan address them. Luckily, Susan found such an app, and worked with her life coach to find ways to stay active and socialize despite her injury. In return, her mental health improved, and so did her motivation to achieve her career goals.

Essential Business Features to Look for in Your Life Coach App

  • Client Management Tools: Choose a life coach app with top-notch client management features. Look for one that keeps all your client information – like session history and notes – in one central spot. This makes staying organized a breeze and lets you track each client’s progress seamlessly.
  • Scheduling and Invoicing: Opt for an app that combines scheduling and invoicing in one place. This integration streamlines booking appointments and handling payments, freeing you from juggling separate systems and keeping everything running smoothly.
  • Secure Messaging and Resource Sharing: Security is key. Find an app that offers secure messaging and resource sharing with end-to-end encryption. This ensures all your client communications and data are safe and compliant with privacy laws.
  • Assessment Tools: Look for apps with built-in assessment tools to keep tabs on your client’s goals. These features let you track progress, measure achievements, and tweak strategies to keep clients on track and moving toward their objectives.
  • Marketing and Promotion: Choosing an app with strong marketing and promotion tools is crucial because it helps you reach a wider audience and build your client base. Use apps that will help you create targeted campaigns, track performance, and engage with potential clients in a personalized way.

Your Top 12 Life Coach Apps

With these client and business-focused features in mind, GoodLiife has done all the hard work for you! The team has searched high and low to find the best life coach apps that will elevate your coaching business to the next level. Explore the curated list of apps below and create a powerful toolkit tailored to your unique needs as a life coach.

Top 6 Client-Focused Life Coach Apps

#1. Calm

12 Best Life Coach Apps - Calm

Check out Calm, a popular app that will help your client relax and feel more mindful. Calm is helpful for stress management, and supporting individuals in improving their sleep and overall health. Calm offers a great variety of guided meditations, calming sleep stories, breathing exercises, and soothing music – perfect for making your client’s day more peaceful.

Calm is easy to use, meaning it’s suitable for everyone. If your client wants to take care of their mental health and practice mindfulness, this app is a great tool for them.

While Calm isn’t a coaching app on its own, it’s a fantastic addition to your client’s coaching journey, providing useful content and resources to support them. Ensure your client embraces relaxation with Calm to change their everyday life for the better!

#2. GoodLiife

Life Coach App - GoodLiife

Are you frustrated with coaching apps that don’t prioritize your clients’ needs? GoodLiife is here to change that with a client-first approach that looks at all parts of your client’s well-being.

With GoodLiife, you can:

  • Check in on your clients’ overall well-being, including their physical and emotional health, work, family, and sense of purpose.
  • Keep track of your client’s habits, assign tasks, and share helpful resources to help your client grow.
  • Build accountability and empower clients on their wellness journey by using self-assessments and the GoodLiife client intake form.
  • Encourage self-reflection and gratitude with tools like a life planner and a gratitude journal.
  • Motivate clients with fun challenges that help them build healthy habits.
  • Give clients access to science-backed content with GoodLiife’s blogs, tips, and weekly habit ideas.
  • Use gamification to make coaching fun with points, scores, and challenges.

Most importantly, GoodLiife gives you a clearer view of your client’s overall well-being, allowing you to customize your coaching plans more effectively.

Additionally, with GoodLiife’s continuous client assessments, you can quickly identify what’s effective and what needs adjustment in your client’s life. This allows you to tailor your coaching approach based on concrete evidence

#3. Coach.me

Coach.me simplifies the process of creating coaching plans and setting clear goals for your clients – all within one app.

You can communicate directly with clients, provide personalized feedback, and monitor their progress effortlessly.

The highlight here is Coach.me’s habit-tracking feature. This feature supports clients in building and maintaining new habits until they seamlessly integrate into their daily routines. New habits are identified by breaking down your clients’ larger coaching goals into smaller, manageable steps. Additionally, with Coach.me, your clients have access to a wealth of motivational content and resources to enhance your coaching services.

Coach.me also helps you manage multiple clients through group coaching programs, making it convenient to support both individuals and groups.

#4. Executive Coaching: MasterCoach

Life Coach App - MasterCoach

Some life coaching applications are designed with a specialized focus, helping you, as a coach, enhance your expertise in a particular field. One such example is MasterCoach.

MasterCoach is a great tool for coaches who help clients with executive coaching. The app makes it easier to guide clients to success using three simple steps:

  1. Discover and Activate Your Client’s Strengths: Quickly create a Strength Wheel with your clients to help them see what they need to focus on and unlock their potential fast.
  2. Develop Action Steps: Use ready-made coaching templates to have meaningful conversations and give your clients clear steps to work on between sessions.
  3. Stay Updated on Progress: Get real-time updates on your client’s progress, so you always know how they’re doing and can plan for the next session.

MasterCoach has two apps – one for coaches and one for clients – so you both have what you need at your fingertips. And the best part? The client app is free to download, making it easy for clients to stay involved and committed to their growth.

#5. Step Tracker - Pedometer

This Step Tracker – Pedometer app is a straightforward yet effective tool for helping clients stay on track with their health goals. With this app, clients can easily monitor their daily step count to ensure they’re staying active and maintaining their physical health. It’s a simple, free tool that supports a holistic approach to wellness. Physical health is the foundation for reaching other coaching goals, as it directly impacts mental well-being, motivation, personal relationships, self-confidence, and more.

By setting a simple goal of walking 10,000 steps a day, you’ll ensure your clients maintain the recommended activity levels while also focusing on their broader life goals.

#6. Gratitude Forest

Life Coach App - Gratitude Forest

With its nature-themed design, Gratitude Forest encourages your clients to practice daily gratitude by growing virtual trees and collecting “gratitude fruit.”


Each month, they receive a seed that grows into a “gratitude tree.” As they record what they’re thankful for, magical fruits appear on their tree. Over time, they’ll create a vibrant forest that visually represents all the good things in their lives.


This app is a fun and effective way to boost your clients’ moods by making it easy for them to track daily gratitude. Additionally, they can connect with a trained listener whenever needed.

Your clients can also choose to share their gratitude forest with you, allowing you to see their progress and growth as you continue working together.

Top 6 Business-Focused Life Coach Apps

#7: Monday

Monday is a customizable platform where you can easily organize tasks, track how things are going, and keep everything running smoothly.

For life coaching businesses, Monday offers great features to make your work more efficient and improve how you manage clients. Here’s how it can help:

  • Client Tracking: You can keep detailed notes on your clients’ sessions, goals, and progress. Create special boards to track each client’s journey and set up automatic reminders for follow-ups or tasks.
  • Scheduling: Easily organize your coaching calendar by setting up sessions and automatic reminders. This keeps your appointments on track and makes sure you don’t miss anything.
  • Goal Setting and Tracking: Set up boards to plan out client goals and milestones. You can see their progress visually and make changes to your plans if needed, helping you stay on target.
  • Collaboration: If you work with a team or other coaches, Monday makes it easy. You can share boards, assign tasks, and work together smoothly using built-in communication tools.
  • Reporting: Make detailed reports on how clients are doing and the results of sessions. This helps you improve your coaching and show clients the impact of your work.

#8: Loom

Life Coach App - Loom

Loom is an awesome video messaging tool that makes recording and sharing videos super easy. For life coaches, Loom is a game-changer in several ways. You can use Loom for multiple purposes, including:

  • Client Communication: Record video messages to provide personalized feedback or explanations. This offers a more engaging way to connect with your clients than simply sending a text message, for example.
  • Session Summaries: After a coaching session, create short video summaries to recap what was discussed and outline the next steps. Clients can watch these videos anytime to reinforce key points and stay on track.
  • Onboarding: Welcome new clients with video introductions. Explain your coaching process, show them how to use any tools or resources, and set expectations – all through a friendly video.
  • Progress Updates: Share video updates on client progress or send motivational messages.
  • Training and Resources: Create video tutorials or training materials to help clients with exercises, techniques, or other resources they need.

Overall, Loom will help you connect with your clients more personally, streamline communication, and deliver valuable content in an engaging format.

#9: Dubsado

Dubsado is a business management tool that’s great for life coaches who need help automating tasks and staying organized.

Dudsado lets you automate things like scheduling appointments and managing your workflows, while still keeping a personal touch with clients.

The client portals make it easy for clients to view their personal details, documents, and invoices, making everything more organized, secure, and transparent. Plus, with the built-in scheduler, clients can book calls and sessions directly from your website, saving you time and allowing you to focus more on your coaching tasks.

Dubsado also has a payment system powered by Stripe, so handling payments from anywhere in the world is easy. Whether you’re in the office or on the go, Dubsado is a helpful tool for life coaches looking to manage their business smoothly.

#10: Acuity Scheduling

Acuity Scheduling is an online tool that makes it easy for life coaches to manage their appointments and bookings.

With Acuity Scheduling, clients can schedule their own appointments, and you can customize your calendar to organize different types of bookings. You can even add your booking page to your website so it matches your brand perfectly.

Acuity Scheduling helps you keep things running smoothly by sending automatic email and text reminders to clients, reducing no-shows, and making the whole process better. You can also collect important client info using custom forms and manage everything from your phone with the Acuity mobile app.

Acuity also makes getting paid simple by accepting payments and deposits through Stripe, Square, or PayPal. It even offers features like tipping, subscriptions, and easy-to-customize invoices with payment links for hassle-free transactions.

#11: Kajabi

Kajabi helps creators and life coaches grow their businesses, make more money, and turn their followers into paying customers. It has already helped people earn over $8 billion and has helped start over 100,000 businesses. 

Kajabi offers you many ways to make money from your knowledge, like creating online courses with their AI-powered course builder or setting up membership programs for regular income.

You can also start a podcast with subscription options or design personalized coaching programs with live videos and calendar tools. Kajabi gives you everything you need to turn followers into customers and expand your coaching business.

#12: Mailchimp

Mailchimp is a flexible tool that helps businesses of all sizes run email marketing campaigns, automate tasks, and connect with their audiences.

Mailchimp gives you tools to create and send targeted emails, design custom newsletters, and track how well your campaigns are doing with detailed reports.

Plus, with built-in automation, Mailchimp lets you set up welcome emails, follow-ups, and drip campaigns, saving you time while keeping your clients engaged with your coaching business. 

Mailchimp can also connect with your other platforms and has tools to divide your audience into groups so you can send personalized messages and grow your coaching business through smart marketing.

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Coaching Business with the Right Life Coach App

Picking the right life coach app is a game-changer for both your client’s personal growth and your coaching business.

These apps are packed with features that help you manage clients, track goals, and create a more engaging experience. By focusing on tools that provide features such as progress tracking, motivational content, and client assessments, you can tailor your coaching approach to meet the unique needs of each individual. Plus, with business-focused tools, you can streamline your operations, freeing up more time to do what you love – empowering others to reach their full potential.

As you dive into these top 12 life coach apps, think about how each one fits with your goals and those of your clients. The right blend of client-centred and business tools can elevate your coaching practice, enhance your productivity, and create a lasting impact in your clients’ lives.

If you’re interested in more tools for life coaching, check out our article: Optimize Your Coaching Practice with Comprehensive Software Solutions.

To discover more about GoodLiife and all it has to offer, reach out to us today! Our team is ready to answer any questions you may have and help you determine if the GoodLiife app is the perfect fit to enhance your life coaching practice.

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